Longer Thick Eyelashes

What Is The Best Non-Prescription Eyelash Enhancer?

Eyelash enhancers are the latest beauty trend these days, and cosmetic companies everywhere are launching products that promise to give women longer, fuller, and darker lashes without the fuss of mascara or false lashes.  But, with all these options, it’s hard to know what really works and what doesn’t.
Luckily, there are reputable beauty sites out there that have put many of these eyelash enhancers to the test.  The results for this year’s top-performing eyelash enhancers are in … with SmartLash coming in with a solid 5-star rating on, the #1 online destination for skin care and beauty.
What Is Eyelash Enhancement?
If you aren’t yet aware of this increasingly popular method of achieving longer lashes, eyelash enhancers are formulas that are topically applied to the base of your lower and upper lashes.  They can even be used on sparse, thin eyebrows.  
Is It Safe?
While prescription eyelash enhancers are often formulated with prostaglandin, a hormone that can cause side effects such as darkened irises (potentially irreversible) and blurred vision, more and more companies are developing safer, non-prescription alternatives that deliver impressive results.
Most non-prescription formulas are hormone and paraben-free.  Instead, they’re formulated with polypeptides, amino acids, and conditioning ingredients to help rejuvenate lashes and strengthen them against breakage.  So, you still get longer, fuller, darker-looking lashes and shapelier brows, without the negative side effects.
How Soon Can You See Results?
In some cases, users have reported seeing results in as little as twenty-eight days, while others may see results in about 56 days.
SmartLash, for instance, has published its clinical results, which show that 93 percent of participants saw an increase in the appearance of lash length and fullness after 28 days, while 83 percent stated their eyelashes appeared thicker after 28 days.

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Juice Recipe

Cleanse Your Liver With Juice Recipe

Our livers never rest. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, our livers are trying to detoxify and neutralize all the harmful crap we put into our bodies. While it may be restless, that doesn't mean it is invincible. The liver is extremely susceptible to being damaged and once damage has taken place it can quickly start working improperly.

The juice recipe below will cleanse your liver, repair any past damage, and keep it in healthy, working condition. Please use only organic ingredients!!
  • 500 ml of cool, pre-boiled water
  • 6 fresh lemons
  • 1 whole ginger root
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 4 mint leaves
  • 3 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
  • 3 grapefruits
  • A little cumin powder
Firstly, juice the lemons and the grapefruits. Second, chop the ginger and garlic into small pieces and place them in a bowl with the water. Let them sit in the water to saturate for 15 minutes. Next, place the lemon and grapefruit juices in a blender, add mint, flaxseed oil, and cumin. Lastly, dump the bowl of ginger, garlic, and water into the blender. Blend and enjoy!

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Good Relationship

5 Ways To Ruin Good Relationship

Before we gained love sense, it was hard to offer an incisive explanation for how love fails. Theories that concentrate on bad behavior and lack of communication skills focus on the symptoms of couple distress rather than the root cause: the overwhelming fear of being emotionally abandoned, set adrift in the sea of life without safe harbor.

What we’ve missed for so long is that discord is almost always an unconscious protest against floating loose and an attempt to call, and even force, a partner back into emotional connection. Here are some of those signs of discord:
1. The slow erosion.
When emotional starvation becomes the norm, and negative patterns of outraged criticism and defensiveness take over, our perspective changes. Our lover begins to feel like an enemy; our most familiar friend turns into a stranger. Trust dies, and grief begins in earnest.

Research from the University of California found that the quality of positive support reassurance that a partner is loved and esteemed and is capable of taking control of his or her life is the most crucial factor in the health of any relationship.

2. Poisonous criticism.
We never like to hear that there is something “wrong” with us, or that something needs changing, especially if this message is coming from the loved one we most depend on. Criticism from loved ones rings the survival alarm bell in our brain; it sets off the deep-seated fear that we will be rejected and abandoned.
Psychologist Jill Hooley’s work at Harvard measures the impact of critical, hostile comments made by loved ones and shows that disparagement by those we rely on may even trigger relapse of mental illness, such as depression

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Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes for Friends

  • On your special day I am recalling all the times we spent together. This always brings a sweet smile on my face! Happy Birthday to my special friend who will forever hold a special place in my heart.
  • Happy birthday to the most wonderful friend on earth!
  • Let this day be full of joy and celebration. I wish you an outstanding and fabulous birthday my friend!
  • Best wishes for a joyous day filled with love and laughter. Happy birthday.
  • On your birthday, I wish you abundant happiness and love. May all your dreams become a reality. But even more than that, may it bring you loads of true love and friendship. Have an amazing birthday!
  • You are a wonderful source of joy… May your special day bring you an extra share of everything which makes you the happiest in the world. Happy Birthday Dear Friend.
  • A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are – even if you are getting older. Happy birthday.
  • A great friend and a happy birthday. That’s what you are and that is what I wish for you.
  • Let me tell you that with every passing year, you’re becoming the most wise and good looking friend that I have ever known! May you continue to put out the very best in your life!
  • You are the rarest friend I know and so fine that I am very happy to call you my best friend. I hope you have the happiest birthday ever.

Happy Birthday Wishes for the Day

  • Because, today is a special day simply sending birthday wishes, wouldn’t do. So I’m sending you a day when all your dreams come true and, a year that means the most to you!
  • I hope that your special day is full of fun and happiness and everything that you enjoy.
  • I’m so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy. Wishing you a day filled with love and cheer. Hoping your day will be as special as you are. Happy Birthday!
  • Your birthday is the first day of another 365-day journey. Be the shining thread in the beautiful tapestry of the cosmos to make this year be your best ever. Enjoy the trip!
  • Be happy! Today is the day you were sent to this world to be a blessing and inspiration to the people around you! You are a wonderful person. May you be given more birthdays to fulfill all of your dreams.
  • The sun is shining more brightly today as a way to wish you happy birthday.
  • Today, I wish all your dreams come true as you walk on your path. Count your blessings day by day, realize there are more than years in your life! So, celebrate your day!
  • It’s your birthday today! You know what that means? It’s time to wear the hat, blow the candles and cut the cake. But don’t forget to think of all the wishes you want to make! Enjoy your day!
  • We have been best friends since forever. I’m running out of birthday greetings so what more can I say but a matter-of-fact. Happy Birthday! I wish you a wonderful day today and the coming days as well.
  • Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is filled with lots of love and laughter! May all your birthday wishes come true.

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How to Give a Cat Medicine 10 tips

10 Tips

  • To immobilize a cat while giving medication: Spread out a towel, put the cat in the middle of a towel and wrap the cat up like a burrito; leaving its head sticking out.
  • If necessary medicine can be specially compounded to be absorbed through the skin. It can be applied to the inner ear. Be sure to wear gloves as not to absorb it into your system.
  • Cats have a gap at the back of their teeth. With dropper medicine, you can point the tip of the dropper into this gap to instantly open its mouth to quickly administer medicine.
  • When cats panic, they tend to back up. Use this to your advantage by kneeling on the floor with the cat between your knees, facing away from you. Doing this will make it easier to open the mouths of some cats or get drops into their eyes and ears.
  • When giving a cat a tablet, it might be easier to first dip the tablet in margarine. This practice will keep the pill from becoming lodged in the throat. It will also encourage the cat to swallow the tablet and can help cover up any unpleasant taste.
  • If you need to insert medication through any other openings, it helps to make the cat stay still until you're sure it won't drip out.
  • If the cat repeatedly gets away from you before you can dose it (or immobilize it with the towel method above), tempt or trick it into a much smaller room without any hiding places, like a walk in closet or bathroom, and shut the door. The medicine process will go much faster if you don't have to search the house tracking the cat down every time it manages to get away from you.
  • Speed and sure aim help get the pill or dropper into the mouth before there's time for stress or a fight. This is why it is best to prepare the medications before you even pick up the cat.
  • If giving liquid medication, to keep it from getting all over the cat's fur make a hole in one corner of a paper towel and put the cat's head through the hole, using the paper towel as a bib.
  • If your cat can have cottage cheese, crush the pill/any med. add to cottage cheese, all done. Works really great for dogs! Some meds can not be crushed, crushing makes them not work well, so ask the Vet. before you do it. The pets do not smell the meds in cottage cheese OR they just like it so much they do not care if it has meds in it. Just use enough to mix the meds. in it.


  • Do not give your cat human medicine. It can be harmful or fatal!
  • Be extra careful when putting eye-drops into the cats eyes. They squirm and are fast, and the tip of the eyedropper can easily extend into the eye, causing damage and pain. It is best to have a second person with you, when applying eye drops, or bring the cat to the vet and ask for their help.

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How to Give a Cat Medicine

Standard Method 

Steps 01

Prepare the medicine you have to administer and place on top of a paper towel, on a nearby surface, so that you can grab it quickly as soon as the cat's mouth opens:
  • A pill pusher is a bit like a syringe for pills. The rubber tip holds the pill and a plunger pushes it out when the time comes.
  • A syringe full of water can help to ensure that your cat actually swallows the medication.

Steps 02

 Lift the cat and hold it with one arm around it, while using your hand to open their mouth:
Placing the cat on a towel or blanket on an elevated surface (such as a dresser or countertop) might help.

Steps 03

 Open the cat's mouth:
Use your thumb and ring finger, and press into the corner of its mouth Use your middle finger and index finger to lift the cat's nose, do not block the actual nose with your fingers. Your fingers should be on either side of the nose.

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How to Cook for Cats

Steps 01

Be familiar with the dietary requirements of cats:
Cats have nutritional requirements that are vastly different from our own, requiring careful consideration and planning of the food they're receiving. Cats need a diet high in  protein and fat; cats need twice the amount of protein that dogs need.Cats need approximately 85 percent meat, fat, offal, and bone in their diet, with vegetables, herbs, and roughage making up only 15 percent of feline dietary requirements. A healthy diet for a cat will ensure the following:
  • Water. Available at all times, clean and easily accessible.
  • Protein. Double the amount needed by dogs, and several times more than that needed by human beings. Most cats won't eat food containing less than 20 percent protein.
  • Fat. Cats need fat for energy, essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamin intake, and taste.
  • Vitamin A. Cats need a good dose of this vitamin. It is found in liver, eggs, and milk (see "Warnings" on all items below). However, too much vitamin A is dangerous, and liver should not be fed more than twice a week or more than 10 percent of the diet.
  • Vitamin B Cats need vitamin B and will readily eat brewer's yeast if there are signs of deficiency, such as loss of appetite for a few days or a fever. Feeding cats raw fish or an all-fish diet destroys vitamin B, as does cooking or processing food.
  • Vitamin E. Vitamin Eis needed to break down unsaturated fats in the cat's diet. Too much fish and fish oil, especially red tuna (addictive), and horse meat can cause  steatis. or yellow fat disease. Commercial fish preparations for cats usually add vitamin E.
  • Calcium. This is an important part of building and maintaining your cat's bones.

Steps 02

Understand the feeding needs of cats:
 When developing a diet for your cat, there are some important things to keep in mind
  • Kittens need to be fed 3 to 4 times a day from the ages of six weeks to three months. By six months of age, feeding can be reduce to twice daily.
  • Adult cats need to be fed 1 to 2 times daily.
  • Dried food is important for dental health. However, care must be taken not to include too much carbohydrate in a cat's diet; some vets go so far as to recommend keeping it to 3 to 5 percent of the cat's diet. Recent studies have revealed that most commercial dried foods contain too much processed grain or carbohydrate content, leading to increased prevalence of feline diseases and reduced longevity.
  • Cats cannot thrive (or survive) on a vegetarian diet. It is recognized that there is intense debate and passion on this topic but placing the cat's natural needs first is a primary concern of cat well-being. While there are specific supplements some vegetarians feed to their cats, such as taurine, and numerous suggestions for vegetarian cat diets, a vegetarian diet for a cat can result in blindness and heart failure. Not only is this type of diet a highly intensive effort for an owner, it risks a shortened lifespan and diseases, especially if it introduces a higher level of unhealthy carbohydrate products into the cat's diet.
  • A fully home prepared diet with no quality brand name commercial foods included requires careful balancing to ensure that your cat is getting everything it needs. It is not recommended unless you have thoroughly researched what your cat needs and have raised the matter with your vet. If you do embark on a home produced diet, at the very least add a supplement of calcium carbonate (1/2 teaspoon per 100g / 3.5 oz of meat), and a whole cooked egg or raw egg yolk (uncooked egg white is indigestible; even uncooked yolk is not advised given current salmonella scares). Any raw meat must be deep frozen for 14 days to kill any parasites; it is safer to cook all raw meat before feeding it to your cat.

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