How to Give a Cat Medicine 10 tips

10 Tips

  • To immobilize a cat while giving medication: Spread out a towel, put the cat in the middle of a towel and wrap the cat up like a burrito; leaving its head sticking out.
  • If necessary medicine can be specially compounded to be absorbed through the skin. It can be applied to the inner ear. Be sure to wear gloves as not to absorb it into your system.
  • Cats have a gap at the back of their teeth. With dropper medicine, you can point the tip of the dropper into this gap to instantly open its mouth to quickly administer medicine.
  • When cats panic, they tend to back up. Use this to your advantage by kneeling on the floor with the cat between your knees, facing away from you. Doing this will make it easier to open the mouths of some cats or get drops into their eyes and ears.
  • When giving a cat a tablet, it might be easier to first dip the tablet in margarine. This practice will keep the pill from becoming lodged in the throat. It will also encourage the cat to swallow the tablet and can help cover up any unpleasant taste.
  • If you need to insert medication through any other openings, it helps to make the cat stay still until you're sure it won't drip out.
  • If the cat repeatedly gets away from you before you can dose it (or immobilize it with the towel method above), tempt or trick it into a much smaller room without any hiding places, like a walk in closet or bathroom, and shut the door. The medicine process will go much faster if you don't have to search the house tracking the cat down every time it manages to get away from you.
  • Speed and sure aim help get the pill or dropper into the mouth before there's time for stress or a fight. This is why it is best to prepare the medications before you even pick up the cat.
  • If giving liquid medication, to keep it from getting all over the cat's fur make a hole in one corner of a paper towel and put the cat's head through the hole, using the paper towel as a bib.
  • If your cat can have cottage cheese, crush the pill/any med. add to cottage cheese, all done. Works really great for dogs! Some meds can not be crushed, crushing makes them not work well, so ask the Vet. before you do it. The pets do not smell the meds in cottage cheese OR they just like it so much they do not care if it has meds in it. Just use enough to mix the meds. in it.


  • Do not give your cat human medicine. It can be harmful or fatal!
  • Be extra careful when putting eye-drops into the cats eyes. They squirm and are fast, and the tip of the eyedropper can easily extend into the eye, causing damage and pain. It is best to have a second person with you, when applying eye drops, or bring the cat to the vet and ask for their help.

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