Their energy level fits my lifestyle

Their energy level fits my lifestyle.

I have been a bookworm since the age of three and a writer since the age of six. When I’m not doing that, I listen to music and watch movies. It’s not that I don’t love hiking forest trails and kayaking mountain lakes, because I do and I do.

But add in a guy with a chronic illness, and I spend more time in the apartment than I do on the mountain. Cats can be worn out in a short amount of time, (especially compared to dogs,) and we’re all back on the couch. Together.
Their needs are easy for me to meet.

I love the way cats take care of themselves. We put out food, and they eat according to hunger until it’s gone. We maintain the Litter Robot every other day, and they take care of their own needs, at any time and in any weather. I can wear out my current crew in fifteen minutes in the morning, and they are happy for hours.

When I’m struggling with health issues of my own, and my partner has a chronic illness, the self-maintenance part of cats is a wonderful thing.
We can communicate.

As a science fiction fan, my dream was encountering, and communicating with, a totally different species. My dream has come true.

Through long association with some very wise cats, I have been able to figure out some of their communication system, which is all body language. I have (honorarily) joined an alien species and we have developed a system of mutual adoration and care.

It’s not that cats are alone in being able to communicate. I have also had wonderful experiences with dogs. We can all reach out to animals. We just need to care about doing it.
Their interests mesh with mine.

Cats have burst of intense physical activity and then long periods of inactivity. Guess what? So do I.

My cats spend a lot of time resting against my leg, or on my lap, while I cruise the Internet or type out my own contributions. Mr WayofCats is never alone in his studio while he creates art. Cats have been the avid companions of artists for centuries. This “matching of activity level” is a large part of the reason why.
Their communal behavior is delightful.

I absolutely adore watching cats

That this creature, so superbly suited to solitary existence, can also be a loving and altruistic social being, is a wonderful revelation. I have a little Civilization living with us. Both Mr WayofCats and I consider that a beautiful thing.
I love their sense of humor.

One of the things that turned out to be amazing to Mr WayofCats is the extraordinary sense of humor cats can exhibit. They play jokes on each other, and on us.

Tristan delights in coy games of “Whose heart is bigger?” James Bond loves the ironic moves of “Who teaches the kitten something?” And Olwyn loves to play Just Who Is In Charge, Here? (Hint: it’s always her.)

Cats have a sense of irony and they definitely understand sarcasm.
They are very emotionally driven. Like me.

It was revelatory to me when I first understood that cats have the same emotional landscape that I have. I had just come to terms with my own reactions when I figured out cats had the same responses I felt.

I had been told, my whole life, that I was “too sensitive.” It was wonderful to discover that, if this was actually so, I was not alone in this. My cats were (like me) creatures of total reaction and instinctive response.
They re-write the pet template.

For hundreds of years, “having a pet” was synonymous with “rule over those lesser beings.” When we discover that those we regard as “pets” it revamps our mental template. Some of us have problems understanding that what we have been taught to regard as “lesser beings” actually have a head-start on our own abilities.

Mr WayofCats has admitted that Olwyn,, plays him like a medieval lute.

When we are able to regard our pets as sentient beings worthy of our respect… it will revamp our relationship with the natural world.

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